Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions?

Please read the questions below and if you can’t find your answer, please send us your question, we will answer you as soon as possible.

At what level is the quality of Shegalio products?

Shegalio has always tried to produce its products in line with the quality level of the world. Quality control systems at different levels, the use of quality raw materials and the use of up-to-date machines have enabled Shegalio to produce the highest quality products.

Is it possible to cancel or change the order?

Yes, if your package has not been sent yet, you can cancel or change your order by contacting the online support department.

I need help to choose, how can I contact you?

Shegalio’s customer service will answer all your questions at phone number 02177230341 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions outside of office hours, send a message to 09104958075. We will contact you in the first hours of the next business day.

How is the shipping and delivery of Shegalio products?

By fully complying with the cold chain and having machines equipped with cold storage, Shegalio delivers the orders with the best quality and fresh to the customers and prevents the products from spoiling along the way. Also, for more convenience (if requested by the customer), he will deliver the products to you by air.

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